SiP vs SoM: What is the Difference?

Equivalent AM335x designs in SoM versus SiP solutions


When we introduce new customers to our System-In-Package (SiP) solutions they often ask how a SiP is different from a System-On-Module (SoM). Fact is, in functionality, they are very similar. The two solutions address similar design challenges and provide similar value, however, they do this in very different ways. (Read More…)

You’ll Love How SiPs Simplify Complex Systems: Biometric Door Opener

Biometric Door Opener Project Using BeagleBone Black Wireless with Facial Recognition


Ever since I was a child, I have loved building things and getting my hands dirty. Whether it was fixing my dad’s car, playing with electric motors, or writing code, I enjoy the satisfaction of seeing a problem and working to a solution. Actually building hands-on projects is a stress relief for me. When I was in school I was always looking for ways to take the theory I learned in class and put it into action.

Now that I am at Octavo Systems I like to do the same thing. The tools available to designers have come a long way. I am amazed at how easy it is to take an idea from the drawing board to a functioning prototype. The OSD335x System-In-Package on the BeagleBone® Black Wireless is a perfect example of these tools. (Read More…)

Don’t Get Stuck Doing the Same Design Tasks Over and Over Again. Use SiPs!


It is Feb 2nd, Groundhog day. Each year I like to watch the 1993 classic Groundhog Day with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell. In it, Murray gets stuck reliving the same day over and over again until he finally “gets it right”. The movie will make you laugh and cry. I highly recommend it.

However, this isn’t meant to be a movie review. I bring it up because I see parallels between Murray’s problem, reliving the same day over again, and a common complaint we hear from our customers. No matter how hard they try they always seem to be stuck having to redo the same design tasks over and over again! (Read More…)

IoT Ready OSD335x: Tweeting Rubik’s Cube Solver!

Rubik’s Cube Solver IoT Twitter Account


The Trend

Industry analysts predict billions of things will connect to the Internet by 20201. Whether it is your fitness tracker or a smart fridge, we are now able track, analyze and make healthier choices to improve our lives. We are able to make our homes more secure and energy efficient. Soon we will watch Netflix in self-driving vehicles on our way to work. Due to the potential and the ability to personalize information, the industry has pursued connecting all devices to the Internet with passion.  Therefore, it is a given that your marketing department will come in asking you to update your product with IoT capabilities.

How Octavo Systems Helps Your IoT Design

Octavo Systems is leading the hardware effort to make IoT system development more accessible to everyone. Through System-in-Package (SiP) technology, it is possible to embed complex and powerful systems into tiny spaces while saving valuable time to market and cost.

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New OSD335x-SM Reference Design Tutorials Give Engineers Full Design Instructions & Practice

How can you simplify your design process and get started on your application with lightning speed?

  1. Have a System-In-Package (SiP) at the heart of your design.
  2. Have the right steps, tools and techniques in your hands to get a jumpstart on a production-ready product with SiP.

Introducing Reference Design Tutorials

We have developed the OSD335x Reference Design Tutorials to cover all aspects of initial hardware design to help you create a successful product. (Read More…)

System-in-Package Technology Comes to the PC Market


Last week at CES, Intel announced their new CPU family aimed at High End Personal Computers. Normally this would only be tangentially interesting to us. However, this news was right up our alley because Intel announced a System-in-Package (SiP) device geared toward the consumer PC industry. The new 8th generation Core Processors with Radeon RX Vega M Graphics combines the Intel Core CPU with a GPU from AMD and High Speed HBM2 Graphics memory all into a single package. (Read More…)

Getting Started has Never Been Easier


Getting started on a new design is an exhilarating experience.  As a jumpstart, developers often grab a breadboard and prototype new features around a reference development board.

Whac-A-Mole Project using PocketBeagle


Our project this week reminds me of my days at Rice University in the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) department where we practiced this skill as we rushed to complete end of semester assignments.  The apps engineers at Octavo built a breadboard project, similar to those ECE lab boards, as a fun way to illustrate how easy it is to get started with our System-in-Package (SiP) devices. The project uses the new, low cost PocketBeagle® , featuring the OSD3358-512M-BSM, to build a cool retro arcade style game reminiscent of Whac-A-Mole*.  We created a the project page to walk you through the steps and demonstrate just how easy it is to get started building projects using SiP technology. (Read More…)

2018 The Year of More for Octavo

As 2017 becomes a memory, I reflect on what we accomplished and look forward with anticipation to an exciting 2018. Join us on the roadmap to MORE.

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Octavo Systems Holiday Greetings


The Octavo Systems team wishes you and yours a joyous Holiday Season and a 2018 filled with success.
We appreciate your business and look forward to helping you innovate and achieve your design goals. (Read More…)

Industrial Control Exemplified: An OSD335x Powered Rubik’s Cube Solving Robot


Small scale puzzle, big scale understanding

Applications requiring machine vision and the ability to make decisions without human interference are becoming more widespread.  The OSD335x System-in-Package is a perfect starting point for these types of applications.  Its Texas Instruments ARM Cortex-A8 processor has the power and the peripherals required for them.  The below block diagram illustrates how the OSD335x would fit into a generalized industrial control system.

Industrial Control Robotics System Block Diagram


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