Today is a very exciting day at Octavo Systems. We’re officially launching our first product, the OSD3358-512M. The OSD3358 is a System-In-Package (SiP) device that integrates the Texas Instruments (TI) Sitara™ AM3358 Arm® Cortex®-A8 processor, the TI TPS65217C PMIC, the TI TL5209 LDO, a 512MB DDR3, and over 140 Passives into a single easy to use BGA package. The OSD3358 gives designers of all levels access to unprecedented integration and to ease of use.
The OSD3358 aims to make designing custom systems around the BeagleBone® Black as easy as possible. Take a look at our Single Board Computer Reference Design. Integrating the DDR3 and the Power Managements systems into the OSD3358 removes the need for designers to spend time on the DDR to Processor interface or power sequencing, allowing them to focus on their proprietary value add. At the same time, the single package simplifies the supply chain and facilitates lower cost manufacturing. Check out the product page for all the details.
The OSD3358 isn’t just for BeagleBone® Black users either. It has the flexibility to greatly simplify any design based on TI’s Sitara™ processors. So, along with the OSD3358, we also launched, in partnership with GHI Electronics, a set of development boards and kits to allow you to design your own product around the OSD3358 without starting with a BeagleBone®.
What makes today truly special is that we have given substance to our vision. Historically, SiPs have been available only to the largest and most specialized customers. Today we change that. Our innovations in design and manufacturing have allowed us to bring SiP-based products to the mass market. This is the culmination of many efforts. Our Octavo team spent many long nights and weekends to make this day a reality. I am proud of the entire team and am honored to work with such outstanding individuals.
While we are excited about what we have achieved with Product #1, we are even more enthused about where we’re going. The OSD3358 is just the beginning. Over the next few months we will be working to widen the OSD335x family, offering options to fit almost any system built around the AM335x processor.
Beyond that, our goal is to change the way intelligent systems are designed and manufactured. We will continue our quest to introduce products that make it easier for innovators to innovate. We will integrate more functions to provide more solutions for a wider variety of subsystems. We’d love to hear your feedback on what you’d like to see next or what we can do to improve our current product. Please don’t hesitate to let us know what you think here.
Thank you for your interest in what we are doing. We look forward to sharing a lot more with you in the future! If you want to stay informed please sign up for our newsletter through the Contact page or follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter.
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OCTAVO is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. OSD, C-SiP, and the Octavo Logo are trademarks of Octavo Systems LLC.
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3 thoughts on “The OSD3358 – A New Era of Integration”
Jonathan Hall says:
May 11, 2016 at 8:25 pmThis is absolutely fantastic. It opens a world of possibility for future developments. I was actually investigating having the entire BB laid out differently on a new PCB for some projects we are developing in order to cleanly integrate with the components we’re using – but this definitely simplifies and creates whole new possibilities that have eradicated that need. I look forward to picking up my first OSD3358 for testing!
Georgy Sviridov says:
July 25, 2016 at 10:08 amCoOl !!!!! 8) !!!
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