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MP1 SiP Samples Available,
Reference Design Released,
and ISO Certification

OSD32MP1x Samples Available!

Let's get straight to the point.  You can now order Engineering Samples of the STM32MP1 based SiP through our Distribution PartnersMouser and Digi-Key are carrying inventory.
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SiP Based DK2 Reference Design

The Octavo DK2 Open source Reference Design is an exact replica of the low cost development kit from ST, replacing the discrete components with the OSD32MP1 SiP.  Begin your development with the low cost STMicroelectronics DK2 board then quickly design your own system using this reference design!
Download Now


Octavo Systems is ISO 9001:2015 Certified

After a lot of hard work Octavo is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. We have been delivering world class products from our first shipment.  We now have the certification to back it up.  We look forward to continuing to provide the highest quality products to our customers and helping them achieve their goals.
Read the Story


Recent Document Changes

At Octavo Systems we strive to make our devices as easy as possible to use.  To accomplish this we are continually revising our documentation to address common questions and make information more clear.

Here is a list of recently updated documentation:
  • OSD335x EEPROM During Boot - This application note is a great resource for adding EEPROM to your design to help with SW during Boot. We updated the app note by adding a Caveat regarding Compiling the binary on Widows
  • Octavo Symbol Library - Altium - Our Altium Symbol library has been update to version 4.0.  The following updates were made:
    • Moved OSD32MP15x symbol to 100mil grid
    • Fixed OSD32MP15x reference designator
    • Fixed OSD335x C-SiP Landing Pad size

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