How can you simplify your design process and get started on your application with lightning speed?
We have developed the OSD335x Reference Design Tutorials to cover all aspects of initial hardware design to help you create a successful product.
The tutorial will walk you through the OSD335x-SM bare metal design process in a systematic manner. These steps cover all aspects design engineers need for initial schematics and layout. As you work through the series, you will feel like you have a tutor working with you side by side as you follow along to implement and verify concepts, from the most basic through the advanced. Implement the project and if you like, send your project Printed Circuit Board (PCB) files to manufacture.
Thanks to the compatibility within the family of OSD335x devices, the newly released OSD335x-SM tutorial references much of the existing OSD3358-512M-BAS tutorial.
The materials will guide you to build the bare minimum circuitry and understand design concepts required to boot the OSD335x without an operating system. Couple this with our great forum support and you’ll have everything you need to work through your own custom design with OSD335x.
Adding the new materials to our tutorial series, we now have these great design reference and practice tools available for both the OSD335x-BAS/IND 27mm x 27mm package as well as the OSD335x-SM 21mm x 21mm package devices.
More lessons are in the works, let us know what you’d like us to add.
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