Category: Performance

1GB DDR3 Option Now Available for the OSD335x-SM

Sometimes 512MB of DDR memory just isn’t enough. No matter how hard you try your application just needs more space. Maybe you are trying to process large datasets gathered from thousands of sensors around a building. Perhaps you developed a platform that is capable of running many completely different applications at the same time, or you have some awesome graphics you are trying to render. Whatever your software dilemma or creative idea for your embedded product may be, you just want to have more memory coupled with your computing system. Octavo Systems has heard your requests. We are happy to announce the general availability of a 1GB DDR memory option for the OSD335x-SM family of devices.

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Debating the Future of Processing Performance

ICASSP 2018 Panel: An Industry Perspective on Emerging Signal Processing Challenges*


I have been attending the IEEE’s premier Signal Processing conference, the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) for over 30 years. While at Texas Instruments, ICASSP was the perfect venue for me to meet with the signal processing research community, our customers (both present and future), the editors/analysts who were following the Digital Signal Processing explosion, and our competitors. It became my platform to influence the industry while at the same time sensing the direction in which it was moving. (Read More…)