Mastering Linux Device Trees in Embedded Systems


In the world of embedded systems, the Linux operating system has become a popular choice due to its flexibility, robustness, and open-source nature. One of the key components that enables Linux to work seamlessly with various hardware configurations is the device tree. Device trees provide a way to describe the hardware components of an embedded system, allowing the Linux kernel to dynamically configure itself to work with the specific hardware present on a given board.



This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Linux device trees and how they are utilized in embedded systems. We will explore the fundamentals of device trees, their structure, and how they facilitate the integration of hardware and software in embedded Linux systems. By the end of this article, you will have a solid grasp of device trees and their role in creating flexible and portable embedded systems.


What is a Device Tree?


A device tree is a data structure that describes the hardware components of an embedded system. It is a tree-like structure that represents the hierarchical organization of devices and their properties. The device tree is separate from the Linux kernel itself and is typically stored in a file with a “.dts” extension.

The purpose of a device tree is to provide a unified and standardized way to describe hardware, allowing the Linux kernel to dynamically configure itself based on the information provided in the device tree. This approach offers several advantages over the traditional method of hardcoding hardware information directly into the kernel, which we will discuss later in this article.


Structure of a Device Tree


A device tree consists of nodes and properties. Nodes represent devices or subsystems in the hardware, such as CPUs, memory, I/O peripherals, and buses. Each node can have child nodes, forming a hierarchical structure that reflects the organization of the hardware components.

Properties, on the other hand, are key-value pairs that provide additional information about a node. They can describe various attributes of a device, such as its address range, interrupt lines, clock frequencies, and compatible drivers.

Here’s a simplified example of a device tree structure:



In this example, the root node (/) represents the entire system. It has properties that specify the compatible string and the number of address and size cells used in the device tree.

The cpu node represents the CPU, with properties describing its compatibility and clock frequency. Similarly, the memory node describes the system memory, specifying its device type and address range.

The uart0 node represents a UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) device. It has properties that specify its compatible driver, register address, interrupt line, and clock frequency.


Compiling Device Trees


Once a device tree source file (.dts) is created, it needs to be compiled into a binary format called a device tree blob (.dtb). The device tree compiler (dtc) is used for this purpose. The resulting .dtb file is typically loaded into memory by the bootloader and passed to the Linux kernel during the boot process.

Here’s an example of how to compile a device tree source file:



In this command, myboard.dts is the input device tree source file, and myboard.dtb is the output device tree blob.


Using Device Trees in Embedded Systems


When an embedded system boots up with a Linux kernel, the bootloader (such as U-Boot) loads the device tree blob into memory and passes its address to the kernel as a command-line argument. The kernel then parses the device tree and uses the information to configure itself and initialize the necessary drivers for the hardware components described in the device tree.

This dynamic configuration allows the same Linux kernel image to work on different hardware platforms without the need for recompilation. It provides a level of hardware abstraction and portability, making it easier to support multiple board variants or even entirely different systems with the same kernel.


Device Tree Overlays


In some cases, it may be necessary to modify or extend an existing device tree without changing the original source file. This is where device tree overlays come into play. An overlay is a separate device tree file that can be applied on top of the base device tree, adding or modifying nodes and properties.

Overlays are useful when you have a base board with a fixed device tree but want to add support for optional or custom hardware modules. By applying an overlay, you can dynamically modify the device tree at runtime without the need to recompile the entire device tree source.


Advantages of Using Device Trees


  1. Hardware Abstraction: Device trees provide a clear separation between the hardware description and the Linux kernel. This abstraction allows the kernel to be more portable and maintainable, as hardware-specific details are moved out of the kernel code and into the device tree.

  2. Flexibility and Configurability: With device trees, it becomes easier to support multiple hardware configurations or board variants using the same Linux kernel image. By modifying the device tree, you can enable, disable, or reconfigure hardware components without the need to recompile the kernel.

  3. Runtime Configuration: Device tree overlays allow for dynamic modification of the hardware description at runtime. This feature is particularly useful when dealing with optional or removable hardware modules, as the device tree can be updated on-the-fly to accommodate changes in the hardware configuration.

  4. Simplified Board Bring-up: When porting Linux to a new embedded board, device trees simplify the bring-up process. Instead of modifying kernel code to accommodate the new hardware, you can create a device tree file that describes the board’s hardware components. This approach reduces development time and effort.

  5. Community Collaboration: Device trees promote collaboration and sharing within the embedded Linux community. Hardware manufacturers can provide device tree files for their boards, making it easier for developers to integrate and use their hardware with Linux. The standardized format of device trees allows for easier exchange and reuse of hardware descriptions across different projects and platforms.


System-in-Package (SiP) and Linux Device Trees


System-in-Package (SiP) technology offers several advantages that can be leveraged in conjunction with Linux device trees to create efficient and compact embedded systems.

SiP integrates multiple integrated circuits (ICs) and discrete components into a single package, providing a complete system solution in a miniaturized form factor. By combining various functionalities, such as processors, memory, power management, and connectivity modules, into a single package, SiP simplifies the overall system design and reduces the footprint of the embedded device.

When using SiP in combination with Linux device trees, the device tree can be tailored to describe the specific hardware components present in the SiP package. This allows for a highly optimized and streamlined hardware description, as the device tree only needs to include the relevant nodes and properties for the SiP components.

Furthermore, SiP solutions often provide pre-validated and tested hardware configurations, which can simplify the development and integration process. The corresponding device tree files can be provided by the SiP vendor, ensuring compatibility and reducing the effort required to create and maintain the device tree for the specific SiP solution.

By leveraging SiP technology and Linux device trees together, embedded system designers can benefit from reduced development time, improved system integration, and optimized hardware-software configuration. The compact and efficient nature of SiP, combined with the flexibility and portability provided by device trees, enables the creation of high-performance and feature-rich embedded systems while minimizing development complexities.




Linux device trees play a crucial role in the development and configuration of embedded systems. By providing a standardized way to describe hardware components, device trees enable the Linux kernel to dynamically configure itself based on the specific hardware present on a given board. This flexibility and portability simplify the process of supporting multiple hardware platforms and facilitate easier integration of new hardware modules.

Understanding the fundamentals of device trees, their structure, and how they are utilized in embedded systems is essential for embedded Linux developers. By mastering device trees, developers can create more efficient, flexible, and maintainable embedded systems.

When combined with System-in-Package (SiP) technology, Linux device trees offer additional benefits. SiP solutions provide a compact and integrated approach to system design, while device trees enable seamless configuration and optimization of the hardware-software interface. This combination allows for the creation of highly efficient and feature-rich embedded systems with reduced development complexities.

As the world of embedded systems continues to evolve, the use of Linux device trees and SiP technology will play an increasingly important role in enabling developers to create innovative and powerful embedded solutions.

Read This Next:


>>  OSD335x Lesson 2: Linux Device Tree



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