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Join our Joint Webinar with
ST Microelectronics and
Enter to Win a OSD32MP1-BRK

STM32MP1 SiP-lified Webinar

In partnership with STMicroelectronics we will be hosting a FREE webinar showcasing how to leverage the OSD32MP1 System-in-Package to quickly build powerful Linux based Systems.
Thursday September 24th
@ 2:00 PM EDT
During the Webinar you will learn:
  • About the STM32MP1 microprocessor
  • What System-in-Package technology is
  • How using SiP technology can:
    • Get your application to market faster
    • Reduce the size of your design
    • Lower your total development cost
  • How to get started using the STM32MP1 System-in-Package
  • About resources available to ensure your success, including OpenSTLinux and Debian
Reserve your Spot


Win an OSD32MP1-BRK 

Want to jump start your next design?  With direct access to over 100 I/O, support for Debian and OpenST Linux, the OSD32MP1-BRK Flexible Development Platform is the quickest way to prototype your next design and we are giving away 5!
To enter just send us a quick email to with "Board Promo" in the subject line describing the project for which you would like to use the OSD32MP1.  We will announce the winners at the end of the webinar!
Enter to Win

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