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OSD32MP1-BRK Pre-Order
OSD32MP1 SiP in Stock
Datasheet Updates

OSD32MP1 Now Available

The OSD32MP1-BRK is now available for Pre-Order through our distribution partners and directly from Octavo Systems.  Place your order today and be one of the first to get your hands on this low cost flexible prototyping platform.
Pre-Order Now
We are proud to be in full production with the OSD32MP15x System in Package.  Both Commercial and Industrial temperature ranges are IN STOCK at our distribution partners.
Order Now


Octavo Systems in The News

Octavo Systems is proud to be a part of the STMicroelectronics Authorized Partner program.  We have worked closely with STMicroelectornics to deliver the smallest possible implementation of the new STM32MP1 microprocessor.  We invite you to review the articles from ST highlighting our cooperation:

Octavo OSD32MP15x SiP and STPMIC1 Power Management IC: Small Devices, Big Impacts

STMicroelectronics Boosts Performance While Enhancing Ecosystem on STM32 Microprocessors




Documentation Updates

Our goal at Octavo Systems is to make designing electronic systems as easy as possible.  To help in this effort we continually update our documentation to to provide you the best possible information.

We have recently made the following changes to our documentation.  Please make sure you are using the latest version.
OSD32MP15x Datasheet
We have released version 1.1 of the OSD32MP1 datasheet.  The following changes were made:
  • Updated Electrical Characteristics
  • Minor Additions to reference and pin descriptions
OSD32MP15x Datasheet
OSD335x C-SiP Datasheet
We have released version 3 of the OSD335x C-SiP datasheet.  The following changes were made:
  • Changed eMMC I/O Domain

OSD335x C-SiP Datasheet

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