Please take a look at your circuit for SD card Detect pin. Card detect pin was not polled in v1.2 image. In v3 image, card detect pin is defined here: https://github.com/octavosystems/meta-octavo-osd32mp1/blob/dunfell/recipes-bsp/u-boot/files/0008-Add-OSD32MP1-RED-Device-tree-support.patch#L1526. GPIOE 7 must be pulled LOW or you can disable card detection in u-boot device tree.
See README for https://github.com/octavosystems/meta-octavo-osd32mp1.
1. Please make sure the GNDs for both board are connected.
2. Probe the SCL and SDA pins to see if they are pulled up to 3.3V.
3. Probe the SCL and SDA activity when you exercise the i2cdetect command. Can you see activity?
4. Please make sure the right I2C device is being used. The Linux I2C numbering can be different from the hardware I2C numbering.
on Q1: I believe this is linked above, but take a look at https://octavosystems.com/app_notes/stpmic1-non-volatile-memory-programming-guide/. The app note has scripts that you can run on PoecketBeagle(https://beagleboard.org/pocket) to interface with the PMCI inside OSD32MP1. This is done through connecting the I2C interface of the PMIC externally to the PocketBeagle.
You can also read registers from the PMIC directly if you are able to boot the board from the STM32MP1 core at u-boot command line or at Linux command line. See section 6.4.1 for BUCK control registers in PMIC datasheet(https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stpmic1.pdf).
on Q2: We did not experience a random change on VOUT4 like what you are describing. We do not recommend back-feeding any current on the PMIC output rails when they are not active. I would also read some of the status registers(Section 6.2 in the PMIC datasheet) to see if you can gain some information about the PMIC status and errors.
SOF pin serves as an indicator to indicate a start of frame and not needed for core USB function. You can use the pin for SDMMC.
Since PC13 is connected to PMIC_WAKEUP, any wakeup signal that is intended for the PMIC will also go into PC13 back feeding current if VDD is not powered up. However, PC13 is part of VBAT domain. So, if you use an external battery to power VBAT, you should be able to assert a signal on this pin without any back current. So, if you are planning to use VBAT or can keep VDD on, you should be able to use PC13/PMIC_WAKEUP externally.
“Status: Partly disabled conflict with: SDMMC2: Mode MMC 8 bits Wide bus“:Â This kind of error occurs when there is a pin conflict, which means you are trying to use the same pin in 2 interfaces. In this case PA8 is needed for OTG_HS_SOF. You can move the SDMMC2_D4 to other pins that are available.
Please check whether you need SOF function as in most cases/reference designs, it is not used to implement a generic USBC interface. See https://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/dm00389996-getting-started-with-stm32mp151-stm32mp153-and-stm32mp157-line-hardware-development-stmicroelectronics.pdf USB chapter for more information on USB use cases.
Since VDD is being used internally and there is a variable load on this rail, we do not recommend using it to power external devices. As note 3 under Table 8-2 in the datasheet(https://octavosystems.com/docs/osd32mp15x-datasheet/) suggests, you can use it for pull up resistors. There are other power rails you can use to power the eMMC listed in table 8-2 of the datasheet. This will allow you to control the power to the eMMC for low power states.
The CubeMX app note has been updated for OpenSTLinux v3.0. The support for OpenSTLinux v4.0 is on the backlog for the apps team. I will update this space once I get a schedule.
Hey Farid,
My apologies for the delayed response. Did you take a look at the sound card configuration files from meta-st-stm32mp here: https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/meta-st-stm32mp/tree/kirkstone/recipes-bsp/alsa?
Since you are using the DFSDM interface same as STM32MP157C-EV1, I would look at what the STM32MP157C-EV1 is using for the configuration files that are missing in your system.
If the PMIC is in OFF state and the SoC is not powered, please take a look at PMIC_PONKEYn pin as it is one of the turn-on inputs as listed in section 5.4.2 of the PMIC datasheet(https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stpmic1.pdf).
While the kernel now supports operating SPI interfaces as slave ports, this does not seem to be implemented in the spi driver: https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/linux/blob/v5.15-stm32mp/drivers/spi/spi-stm32.c. You can assign the SPI to the M4 core and use the slave configuration.
Yes, any GPIO can be used for chip select if you are running Linux. Please see section 3.3 of https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/SPI_device_tree_configuration for a specific example.
Thanks for the update!
I am testing right now. Will update once I have anything here.
CubeMX probably does not have that feature available. Please see https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/SPI_device_tree_configuration for example configuration of the SPI interface with a chip select pin. You can use any GPIO as a chip select.
The alternate functions are for each pin and unrelated to each other in any port. You can set any alternate function on any pin as long as it makes sense in the peripheral defined. You do not need to set all pins of a port to a particular alternate function.
As far as booting interface goes, you can modify the default pins ROM code uses only for SD, eMMC and QSPI. You cannot change the default pins for UART interface, but you can select a different UART interface from which you can boot, unless disabled specifically in OTP.
Hope that clears things up.
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