so this means, without to change our board design an emmc 5.1 should work as is?
this is still valid for the emmc 5.1? because in the reference design an emmc 5.1 has the pad a6 connected to vss, instead in the emmc 4.3 reference design the pad A6 is not connected
any news?
In the standard emmc 4.3, the pad A6 is not connected, instead in the documents, you shared, the pad A6 is connected to VSS, this difference should be a problem?
Thanks for your help
As soon as possible I will give you an update.
Hi Greg,
Thanks for your help. Forget my comment on the instability issue, my bad.
The good point is that every osd3358-sm supports 1Ghz without to need to check fuse bits, this was the only one question that was worth.
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