Forums › Devices › OSD335x-SM › Boot up issue in new revision
I am having a problem booting up custom board second rev.
I am in a similar situation to this post:
All my voltage rails are there, but I don’t get any clock on CLK for SD card.
I have tried all different ways of trying to bypass/program EEPROM including, hardcoding and adding blank board patch but nothing is working. I am also not getting any “CCCC” on UART.
Not sure what went wrong in this rev. Would really appreciate any help.
Thank you
Have you checked the control signals (PMIC_PGOOD/PWRONRSTN, WARMRSTN, etc.) to ensure they have proper behavior? Are you seeing a clock on the input? Have you done a detailed analysis of what changed between the previous revision and this revision?
Unfortunately, without seeing the schematics, we can’t offer much guidance. If you cannot share the schematics publicly on the forum, please email support [at] and we can set up a secure way to send us the information.
Hi Erik,
I figured it out. In reset supervision circuit SN74LVC1G06DCK got populated instead of SN74LVC1G07DCK, which was holding reset signal low. I just replaced the buffer from an older board and got it working.
Thank you
Glad you were able to figure it out. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
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