Hi Neeraj,
Thanks for the confirmation. We won’t be using USB, so this configuration will work out great in our case.
Thanks, Neeraj!
We would only have 1.8V IO devices, so that’s not an issue. Thanks for the link to the Beaglebone Blue schematics. We’d like to stick to the PMIC’s battery charger (for 1S battery). We tested its capability with the C-SiP and it works fine.
Could you also verify that it is OK to turn off LDO4?
Regarding the issue, in case of OSD335x-SM, if we use 1.8V for all I/O, disable LDO4, which in turn will disable TL5209 (SYS_VDD1_3P3V), would we encounter the same bug? In this case there would be no current leakage between the I/O pins and SYS_VDD1_3P3V?
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