“Getting started with OSD32MP1-BRK ST-Link/JTAG interface”

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    • #13485
      Rob BarrisRob Barris

      Writing a new post; The posts I tried to add to the pinned thread don’t seem to appear.

      re https://octavosystems.com/forums/topic/getting-started-with-osd32mp1-brk-st-link-jtag-interface/

      I have these things:

      STLink V3SET interface
      STLink V3-Mini interface
      The “TC2050-IDC-NL-050 Tag Connect Cable” from 2a above

      Pics attached

      When I went to order the TC2050-IDC-NL-050, I did also put item 2b (“<b>TC2050-ARM2010 ARM 20-pin to TC2050 Adapter</b>”) on my order, but Bryce@Tag-Connect was kind enough to inform me that these two don’t fit together: the cable is 0.05″ pitch and the Adapter is 0.1″ only.  So we omitted that part from the order.

      In fact everything on the Tag-Connect page which involves TC2050 is 0.1″ pitch: https://www.tag-connect.com/<wbr />product-category/products/<wbr />adapters

      The connectors on the V3SET and V3-Mini are STDC14 (0.5″ 14pin).  There is talk on the internet that a 10-pin cable can be popped onto a 14-pin interface if the extra two pins at each end don’t bump into the header at the end of the cable.  In this case that looks like a “no”.

      In the meantime I think what I need to get is one of these, 20pin-0.1″ end to go in the V3SET and then pop the TC cable onto the 10-pin 0.5″ connector:

      All this assumes the pin ordering on the BRK follows the ARM10 standard, but I will check that.

      If the BRK is ever revised, maybe consider making it a STDC14 connector and include the UART pins ?

      If I have this all mixed up, maybe you could update the thread with a photo of the assembled cable/connector setup that’s intended.  Maybe there’s been some change in product numbering or something since the instructions were written.

      curious, Rob

    • #13526
      Neeraj Dantu


      Thank you for your thoughts and inputs.

      I did notice that we have the 0.05″ TC2050-IDC-NL-050 linked in the “Getting started” post earlier. This should have been the TC2050 with 0.1″ pitch instead and was corrected. The MB1440 add on board for STLink V3 set converts all the 0.05″ connectors to 0.1″ pitch connectors.

      The TC2050-ARM2010(https://www.tag-connect.com/product/tc2050-arm2010-arm-20-pin-to-tc2050-adapter) + TC2050-IDC-NL(https://www.tag-connect.com/product/tc2050-idc-nl-10-pin-no-legs-cable-with-ribbon-connector) connect to the 20 pin connector of MB1440, which is plugged in top of MB1441.

      Hope that clears things up. Tag-connect is easy to work with, but with the right set of cables. Will pass on your inputs.




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