Forums › Devices › OSD335x-SM › eMMC unresponsive (in standard configuration)
I’m currently developing a prototype using the OSD3358-512M (AM3358). Unfortunately I have trouble with the eMMC on interface 1 (as on the OSD3358-SM-RED): It simply won’t react to commands.
For testing I am using uboot from the image for the OSD3358-SM-RED on SD-card, EEPROM is programmed with the respective ID. The error I get in uboot is:
=> mmc dev 1
Card did not respond to voltage select!
mmc_init: -95, time 13
Using the above the command I’ve also scoped some signals (please forgive my poor probe grounding) that I’ll put into the attachments along with an image of the relevant schematic part and layout part.
The eMMC I’m using is the THGBMNG5D1LBAIL from Toshiba.
I am getting the feeling I have overlooked something quite obvious, given this is a more or less ‘standard’ configuration? Or am I simply not allowed to use the firmware/device tree setting from the RED dev board like this?
The schematic and layout look fine. Here are some thing you can look at:
1. Please verify that the RESET signal for the eMMC(EMMC_RSTN) signal is pulled up to 3.3V and eMMC is not in reset during operation
2. Is R89 populated?
3. Please verify the orientation of the eMMC device
As you are trying to interact with the eMMC over u-boot, device tree does not come into play. The u-boot on RED board image should be able to communicate with the eMMC just fine.
Did you program a board ID to EEPROM(
We would suggest you boot from the SD card interface and look at the output of ‘lsblk’ also to see if Linux is able to detect the eMMC. Please let us know how the debug goes.
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