Published On: February, 15, 2019 By: Neeraj Dantu | Updated: January 31, 2020 by Neeraj Dantu
One of the key steps in producing an embedded design is to program the device with production software or firmware. For a microprocessor-based design, the production software generally consists of a custom Linux image which is programmed into the non-volatile memory on the design. Because the size of a Linux image can be a few gigabytes and the interface of the non-volatile memory may only be connected to the processor, programming this image can be costly and time consuming when scaling for a large quantity of devices. This app note describes a procedure for programming eMMC with USB for OSD335x (AM335x System in Package) via a USB client interface.
The procedure described in this app note requires only a single USB cable to both power the embedded design and transfer all the necessary information. However, this procedure does not require that the embedded design be powered off of the USB cable and can be easily modified to support different power designs. A host computer is required to serve the custom Linux image which will be programmed on to the devices. This solution can scale because one host computer can be used to program many devices in parallel with minimal human interaction, allowing production quantities of devices to be programmed in a cost effective and timely manner. Scaling does have hardware limitations such as the processor and the USB data speeds of the host computer, which can be chosen based on target program time.
The procedure for programming eMMC with USB for OSD335x (AM335x System in Package) described in this document assumes that the OSD335x embedded design has a USB client port connected to USB0 and an eMMC memory connected to MMC1. Additionally, the host computer is assumed to be running Ubuntu 16.04.
2.Procedure Overview
3.Requirements for Procedure
4.Initial Setup
4.1Setup TFTP Server on Host Computer
4.2Setup DHCP Server on Host Computer
4.3Boot Components for “Target Device”
4.3.1Pre-Built Boot Components
4.3.2Customizing Boot Components
4.4Automated “Target Device” Programming on “Host Computer”
4.4.1Detect USB Storage Gadget
4.4.2Copy Production Software Image to “Target Device
5.Programming Setup Overview
6.Programming “Target Devices”
7.Helpful Debugging Tips
8.Revision History
A PDF version of this App Note can be found here.
Files associated with this App Note can be downloaded here.
Figure 1 shows an example hardware setup for the procedure for shows an example hardware setup for the procedure of programming eMMC with USB for OSD335x (AM335x System in Package). The “OSD335x Target Device” is connected to the “Host Computer” via USB. Optionally, the USB connection can utilize a “USB Hub” so that multiple devices may be programmed at the same time. The USB port on the “Target Device” is a USB client port and will be used as the boot interface of the device. The USB port on the “Host Computer” is a USB host port and will be used to transfer the information to the device.
The programming procedure has two major steps: 1) A small, light-weight, initramfs (Initial RAM Filesystem) based Linux image is booted on the “OSD335x Target Device” using TFTP over the USB interface 2)The minimal image booted on the target will provide the “Host Computer” access to the attached eMMC memory as a mounted mass storage device, similar to a USB flash drive; 3) The “Host Computer” will copy the production Linux image to the eMMC memory.
Before continuing, please familiarize yourself with the Linux Boot Process on the OSD335x Family of Devices. The following sections will refer to different components of the boot process described in this article.
Additionally, understanding networking concepts such as:
while not necessary, can provide additional context for the steps described in the procedure.
These are the basic requirements for implementation of the procedure described in this document:
The boot components can be modified to support different hardware configurations of the “Target Device”. See Section 5.3.2 for more details.
The example hardware setup was shown in Figure 1. This procedure assumes that the production Linux image (.img) has already been prepared and has been stored on the “Host Computer”. The initial software setup consists of the following steps:
The TFTP server is used to serve the boot components for the “Target Device”. The following steps describe the process of installing and setting up a TFTP server on an Ubuntu (16.04 LTS) computer:
$sudo apt-get install xinetd tftpd tftp
service tftp { protocol = udp port = 69 socket_type = dgram wait = yes user = nobody server = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd server_args = /tftpboot disable = no }
$sudo mkdir /tftpboot $sudo chmod -R 777 /tftpboot $sudo chown -R nobody /tftpboot
$sudo service xinetd restart
$sudo systemctl status xinetd
To communicate over TFTP, the “Host Computer” and the “Target Device” need to be on the same IP subnet. This is accomplished by running a DHCP server on the “Host Computer”. When the “Target Device” tries to boot, it will send BOOTP requests over the USB RNDIS interface. The DHCP server running on the “Host Computer” will then assign the “Target Device” an IP address. This will then allow the “Target Device” to request the necessary boot components from the TFTP server. The procedure to setup a DHCP server is described in the following steps:
$sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-server
ddns-update-style none; ignore-client-uids on; default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 7200; log-facility local7; option domain-name "tftpboot"; subnet netmask { range dynamic-bootp; if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 10) = "AM335x ROM" { filename "u-boot-spl-restore.bin"; } elsif substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 10) = "DM814x ROM" { filename "u-boot-spl-restore.bin"; } elsif substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 17) = "AM335x U-Boot SPL" { filename "u-boot-restore.img"; } else { filename " u-boot-spl-restore.bin "; } range; }
Note that the configuration file sets up the “Host Computer” (i.e. the DHCP server) at and will assign IP addresses between and These parameters are arbitrary and can be changed if needed. The configuration file also sets the files to be transferred for different BOOTP requests using vendor class identifiers. These file names will be used to name the boot components that will be defined later in this document.
#!/bin/sh # # Modify the /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server init script to include the new RNDIS network # interfaces in dhcp server configuration. It will then restart the dhcp server # Static network interfaces that should not be modified # *** Add any other static network interfaces on your host computer *** if [ "$IFACE" = "eno1" ] || [ "$IFACE" = "lo" ]; then : else ifconfig $IFACE netmask if grep -q "$IFACE" /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server then : else sed -i "/INTERFACES/ s#"$# $IFACE"#g" /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server fi; fi; systemctl restart isc-dhcp-server
First, the script checks whether the name of the interface matches with any known interfaces. The example “Host Computer” had two network interfaces: eno1 (i.e. wired Ethernet port) and lo (Loopback). If your “Host Computer” has different or additional network interfaces, the if statement(line 8) needs to be modified appropriately so that nothing will occur for those interfaces. If the name does not match, the script then sets the IP address of the “Host Computer” on the new interface. Then it checks whether the interface is already configured for the DHCP server using the /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server configuration file. If the interface is not present, the script adds the name of the new interface to the INTERFACES variable in the file. Finally, it restarts the DHCP server with the new configuration.
$sudo chmod +x /etc/network/if-up.d/dhcp-restart
Restarting the DHCP server during the TFPT activity required to boot the “Target Device” can result in an incomplete boot. Therefore, each additional “Target Device” to be programmed should not be connected to the “Host Computer” until the previous “Target Device” has completed booting. This state can be indicated by an LED as described in section 5.4.2.
Now that the TFTP and DHCP server are configured on the “Host Computer”, the “Target Device” can download the necessary boot components from the “Host Computer”. These components available in the project download folder must be copied to the tftpboot folder set by variable server_args in file /etc/xinetd.d/tftp. There are five (5) boot components needed (Note: component names match names used in previous sections):
You can find pre-built versions of the boot components here: Project Download Folder. The folder should contain the file mentioned above. The pre-built components can be used if the “Target Device” has:
If the target board does not satisfy the above conditions, some modifications are required for the bootloader and the filesystem.
If the embedded design cannot use the pre-built boot components, then custom boot components will need to be created. The source files of the bootloader and the RAM filesystem can be found here: Project Download Folder.. To modify the boot components, both the bootloader and the filesystem will need to be created.
There can be several reasons to modify the bootloader such as modifying boot arguments, booting from a different boot interface such at the ethernet or the UART. Configuration changes can be made via menuconfig. The U-Boot bootloader source files can be downloaded from here: Project Download Folder.
The following steps describe the how to modify configuration and build u-boot binaries (these steps are based those found at:
$wget -c $tar xf gcc-linaro-6.4.1-2018.05-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz $export CC=`pwd`/gcc-linaro-6.4.1-2018.05-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-
${CC}gcc --version arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc (Linaro GCC 6.4-2018.05) 6.4.1 20180425 [linaro-6.4-2018.05 revision 7b15d0869c096fe39603ad63dc19ab7cf035eb70] Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
$ sudo apt-get install libncurses-dev $tar -xzf u-boot-tftp.tar.gz $cd u-boot-tftp $make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=${CC} menuconfig
$cp spl/u-boot-spl.bin /tftpboot/u-boot-spl-restore.bin $cp u-boot.img /tftpboot/u-boot-restore.img
The filesystem is where changes to initialization scripts and board setup for programming can be made. For example, the eMMC attached to the OSD335x can be on an MMC interface other than MMC1, which can be changed by updating the “init” script. The Busybox filesystem source files can be downloaded from here: Project Download Folder.
The following steps describe how to modify and build a filesystem:
$tar -xzf RFS_static.tar.gz $cd RFS_static/
#!/bin/sh /bin/mount -t proc none /proc /bin/mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys mdev -s echo /dev/mmcblk1 > /sys/devices/platform/ocp/47400000.usb/47401400.usb/musb-hdrc.0/gadget/lun0/file cat <<'EOF' ___ ____ ___ _______________ _____ _ _ / _ / ___|| _ ___ /___ / ___|_ __ | ___| | __ _ ___| |__ ___ _ __ | | | ___ | | | ||_ |_ ___ / /| |_ | |/ _` / __| '_ / _ '__| | |_| |___) | |_| |__) |__) |__)> < | _| | | (_| __ | | | __/ | ___/|____/|____/____/____/___/_/_|_| |_|__,_|___/_| |_|___|_| EOF /bin/sh
$find . | cpio -H newc -o > ../initramfs.cpio
$cd .. $cat initramfs.cpio | gzip > initramfs.gz
$ sudo apt install u-boot-tools $mkimage -A arm -O Linux -T ramdisk -C none -a 0x80800000 -n "RootFilesystem" -d initramfs.gz initramfs
$cp initramfs /tftpboot/
Since the boot and programming processes can be opaque to an operator, it can be useful to communicate progress using LEDs or other visual indicators on the “Target Device”. In the OSD335x reference designs, there are a number of “User LEDs” that can be used for this purpose. When communicating to an operator, there are two main points in the flashing process that should be indicated:
Given that there are multiple boot components and multiple TFTP file transfers, it is important to indicate when the “Target Device” has completed booting. This indicates to the operator that it is safe to connect a new “Target Device” to the “Host Computer” to pipeline the programming process (DHCP server must not be restarted during the “Target Device” boot process). To do this, insert the appropriate commands when modifying “Enable a default value for bootcmd” during the U-Boot customization process described in Section For example, the pre-built boot components set GPIO54, which is attached to a user LED, to ‘1’ after all of the TFTP file transfers of boot com0ponents have completed but before the kernel has booted. This can be found as part of the ‘bootcmd’ here:
dhcp;tftpboot 0x82000000 uImage;tftpboot 0x88080000 initramfs;tftpboot 0x88000000 osd3358-bsm-refdesign.dtb;gpio set 54;bootm 0x82000000 0x88080000 0x88000000
When the “Target Device” has completed programming the eMMC, the “Target Device” is ready to be disconnected from the “Host Computer” and is ready for further verification and validation. There are multiple ways to indicate that the eMMC has finished being flashed. In the pre-built boot components, this is implemented by specifying an LED in the device tree to indicate eMMC activity. When the eMMC is being programmed, the LED will flash indicating activity on MMC interface. When the flashing is complete, the LED stops flashing and remains turned off. The snippet below shows part of the device tree used to configure pin 22 or GPIO bank 1 as the GPIO indicating MMC interface activity.
led3 { label = "beaglebone:green:usr1"; gpios = <&gpio1 22 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; linux,default-trigger = "mmc0"; default-state = "off"; };
In order to automate the “Target Device” programming, the “Host Computer” must:
The following subsections describe how each of these steps can be achieved. There are a number of files that need to created and or modified for this purpose available in the flasher subfolder of project download folder. The files and their assumed default locations are described below:
These are arbitrary and can be modified to better match the filesystem of the “Host Computer”
Once the “Target Device” has booted, it will expose the eMMC via a USB storage gadget to the “Host Computer”. By default, the “Host Computer” operating system will automatically detect when a new USB storage gadget is connected, similar to how the operating system automatically detects when a USB flash drive is inserted into a USB port. To perform an action when the USB storage gadget is detected, a udev rule can be added to the “Host Computer”.
#!/bin/bash # This script modifies and appends the device name to the list of devices to be programmed. OUTPUT="/home/lab/flasher/list.txt" if [[ $1 != *[0-9] ]] then echo $1 >> $OUTPUT fi
Note that list.txt needs to be created and its path assigned to the OUTPUT variable in script. Only device names that end in a character and not a number are added to the list of devices to be programmed (i.e. /home/lab/flasher/list.txt). This is because the udev rule will be triggered two times for each Linux file storage gadget detection. Once when the storage gadget is detected and the other when the storage gadget is mounted. For example, if the file storage gadget is attached to the “Host Computer” as /dev/sdb, the device /dev/sdb1 is also created to mount the storage gadget. Therefore, the script filters out the ‘sdb1’ interface and does not add it to the list of devices to be programmed to avoid duplicate copies of the same device.
$Sudo chmod +x
$Sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/98-osd335x-usb-flasher.rules
# /etc/udev/rules.d/98-osd335x-usb-flasher.rules ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="block", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", ATTRS{model}=="File-Stor Gadget", ATTRS{vendor}=="Linux ", RUN:="/home/lab/flasher/ %k"
By using the udev rule and associated script to create a list of devices to be programmed, it makes it easy for a script to monitor the list for changes and create a new thread to copy the production software image to the “Target Device”. The monitor script (e.g. /home/lab/flasher/ is described below and can be modified based on the needs of the “Target Device”. Specifically, base_path, list_path and img_file variables need to be assigned to the proper file paths similar to the paths shown below. The monitor script uses the Linux command dd to copy the production software image to the “Target Device”. This script will be run on the “Host Computer” continuously while a “Target Device” needs to be programmed. The contents of the script are:
#!/usr/bin/python3 # This script will monitor list.txt and copy production software image. import time import subprocess import os import threading from watchdog.observers import Observer from import FileSystemEventHandler base_path = "/home/lab/flasher" list_path = "/home/lab/flasher/list.txt" img_file = "/home/lab/flasher/bone-debian-9.3-iot-armhf-2018-03-05-4gb.img" TIMEOUT = 1200 running_threads = [] def ddcopy(last_line): """ Funtion that will copy img_file to device """ os.system('sudo dd if=' + img_file + ' of=/dev/' + last_line.rstrip()) def clean_up_threads(): """ Clean up any threads that exceed the timeout value or have completed execution """ for thread in running_threads: if not thread.is_alive(): running_threads.remove(thread) class MyHandler(FileSystemEventHandler): def on_modified(self, event): if event.src_path == list_path: with open(list_path, "r") as f: last_line = f.readlines()[-1] print(last_line.rstrip()) new_thread = threading.Thread(target = ddcopy, args = (last_line,)) running_threads.append(new_thread) new_thread.start() print('dd if=' + img_file+' of=/dev/' + last_line + ' executed') if __name__ == "__main__": event_handler = MyHandler() observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, path=base_path, recursive=False) observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(10) clean_up_threads() except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join() if not running_threads.empty(): raise IOError("Not all threads were done when program terminated")
This python script required the python package “watchdog”. The package can be installed by executing the following command
$pip3 install watchdog
Each of the previous sections described individual parts of the production software programming application. This section will provide a step by step overview of the setup required for the application:
This section will describe the step by step procedure to program a “Target Device” once the setup is complete:
“Target Device” is now ready for any additional verification or validation as part of the manufacturing procedure.
As there are number of pieces in this procedure, the setup could require some level of debug to get it all working. Here are some tips that can help
Revision Number | Revision Date | Changes | Author |
2 | 5/21/2019 | Fixed project download file issue | N. Dantu |
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