OSD32MP157C-512M-BAA power consumption

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    • #11986
      Gil Hershmangil_he


        I am looking for power consumption numbers in the OSD32MP157C-512M-BAA (MPU@648MHz, no MCU operation)
        I found a DDR3L current value of 360mA/1.35V in https://octavosystems.com/app_notes/osd32mp1-power-budgeting/ .
        This domain is powered by PMIC BUCK2.
        Does this number include both SOC_DDR3 and DDR3L power consumption (SOC and memory) including VTT_DDR?
        Meaning, total DDR3L power consumption coming from BUCK2?

        In addition, power consumption of:
        1. SIP USB_HS domain:
        5.4mA for one port from VDDA1V1_REG.
        25.5mA for one port from VDDA1V8_REG.
        6mA from VDD3V3_USB (HS and FS voltages)
        Is that correct? Any additional power consumption for the USB_HS? (HS OTG, device or DRD only)
        2. SIP SDMMC2 domain connected to eMMC Flash memory (VDD=1.8V)
        (Besides the eMMC Flash device power consumption)
        3. VDD=1.8V
        I found a value of 3.95mA(VDD=3.3V) in Table 22 of the STM32MP157C datasheet.
        I need to add to that the power consumption for a SPI interface, JTAG


      • #11990
        Neeraj Dantu


          For DDR3, the current listed in the table is the total worst case power consumption of DDR that includes everything. As described in the app note you linked(https://octavosystems.com/app_notes/osd32mp1-power-budgeting/), it is hard to determine the exact power consumption of the board as it depends heavily on application/use case. Moreover, some of the current consumption on power rails like in your list(VDDA1V1_REG, VDDA1V8_REG, VDD3V3_USB) are very low compared to the system power consumption and can be neglected during power budgeting, which is why only PMIC, DDR and SoC core current consumptions were taken into account in the application note. Also note that the power consumption of each interface is different when it is in use vs idle.

          For VDD power consumption, you can generate test cases for CubeMX as shown in Section 2.2 of the above app note. We recommend you go through the power budgeting process as shown in the app note and then determine the low power states you want to implement where the current consumption on each rail becomes much more important.


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