Section 5.2 MAC to PHY Connections.
I have downloaded/extracted ethernet_loopback_test.zip.
My custom board does not have a working USB0 client connector. I do have a working UART0 console port. I have copied the extracted ethernet_loopback_test folder onto the SDcard of my ’embedded design’ (custom board). I have ifconfig and iperf installed on my board.
Step 9 of the readme says In Cloud9…
I can not run Cloud9 because I don’t have a working USB client port.
The readme states that all the steps can be performed through console with slight modifications not described in the document.
Can you provide instructions about how to use only the UART0 console port to test MAC to PHY connection?
Thank you,
There are no modifications required for the commands themselves. You can ignore any part that involves cloud9 and run the commands.
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