This page explains the meaning part marking on the Octavo Systems System-In-Package devices.  This code is located below the orderable part number.

The part marking consists of 5 two digit alpha character pairs.  Each pair is separated by a  dash (-).  Character Pair 1 is the left most pair and Character Pair 5 is the right most pair.

Please contact us if you require further information.

Character Pair 1

Character PairDescription

This Character Pair is reserved for Internal use. Please contact us if you require more information.

Character Pair 2

Character PairDescription

This Character Pair is reserved for Internal use. Please contact us if you require more information.

Character Pair 3

Character PairDescription
CDMicrochip 24AA32A

Character Pair 4

This Character Pair is reserved for future use.

Character Pair 5

This Character Pair is reserved for future use.