about the Debian distri that is what I meant about not suiting your requirements.
Mixing tfa/uboot/kernel from different versions is most likely not booting (if I remember correctly there are some problems with the security parts).
But the rootfs is more or less just a yocto based distribution.
What you can do is leaving all parts except of the rootfs and use only the rootfs from a newer yocto or buildroot environment.
forgot to mention probably you need some manual altering for the linux kernel modules when you have problems with modprobe it is possible the modules matching your kernel are missing and you have to make them present
from our point of experience what you try is not working out of the box.
But if you manually alter the dts/dtsi files you can use the minimal example compiling and running on your board using SDK 2.
As an alternative to this approach you can simply replace only the rootfs of your linux.
If you leave all the boot stuff as it is and only depend on a new python version you can use a “normal” distribution like Debian on arm (Debian armhf is the corresponding armv7 you need) and just copy the minimal rootfs on the partition (make sure you leave ALL uid and gid settings e.g. by copying on linux using cp -rpf) and use it like a normal linux distribution.
The second idea is easier to use and with less implementation time possible but maybe it does not fit your requirements.
Perfect thank you this was exactly what I was looking for.
I found that one but I had several problems with it.
First this seems to be incompatible with SDK 2.0.
Second i wanted strictly to avoid manual device tree configuration (except some entries that seem to cause problems e.g. sound).
Some I am missing at the moment.
You forgot to copy the github repo!
Arm Trusted Firmware
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0 open issues.
you can find the file in the directories:
CubeMX prior to version 6 seems to be incompatible to openstlinux-5-4-dunfell-mp1-20-06-24.
What I did is using CubeMX 6.0 install the SDK and the mentioned sources.
After that I extracted the compressed tarballs in the source folder.
Then I cloned the git projects from st and copied the files to the source folder.
Added the board filename to the Makefile and compiled it.
That worked with the exception of das U-Boot which will not boot if I exchanged the original one.
EDIT: I use Linux and the dd command to directly write the stm32 files to sd card
Have you cloned the corresponding git repos?
Arm Trusted Firmware
49 forks.
32 stars.
0 open issues.
For example this one I used to compile the tf-a.
I upgraded my CubeMX to version 6 today.
Now I can compile everything and it is working with the exception of “das U-Boot”.
If I write my new stm32 file to partition 3 I got the u-boot output:
Model: STMicroelectronics STM32MP157C eval daughter on eval mother
Board: stm32mp1 in trusted mode (st,stm32mp157c-ev1) !!!why ev1 I double checked I selected dk2 in CubeMx?
Board: MB1272 Var2 Rec.C-01
DRAM: ERROR: Illegal access to 0xfdafffb0 in:
ERROR: Non-Secure
ERROR: Privilege
PANIC at PC: 0x2ffefeb5
Exception mode=0x00000016 at: 0xfffffffc
I do not know why I am getting an error corresponding to ev1 board and not dk2 board which I selected as a basis in CubeMX.
Also I just selected the default values and just exported the dts and dtsi files.
Are there any ideas what I did wrong and more important how to fix this?
On the ST Download area there is an ComboBox where you can select the version if you don’t want the current version.
Is there an update on this question?
Thank you so far this part of starting a customized linux and fsbl is working now.
Next part I am troubling with is getting the tf-a compiled with current SDK.
After adding the dts/dtsi files from CubeMX to the TFA-SOURCE/fdts dir and appending
“stm32mp157c-osd32mp157c-512m-baa_minimalconfig-mx” to the Makefile.sdk TFA_DEVICETREE variable I get:
fdts/stm32mp157c-osd32mp157c-512m-baa_minimalconfig-mx.dts:21:10: fatal error: dt-bindings/power/stm32mp1-power.h: No such file or directory
21 | #include <dt-bindings/power/stm32mp1-power.h>
There is a debug-tf-a-stm32mp157c-osd32mp157c-512m-baa_minimalconfig-mx-trusted.stm32 file in ../build-trusted/ folder but I miss the release file and I am not sure neither the error “can be ignored” nor how to fix it.
Is there any solution not downgrading the SDK and sources?
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