A quick clarification to the strikeout replaced above:
1) The command to check to see if your board iso connected: STM32_Programmer_CLI -l USB. The font displayed does not make it clear that the dash option is dash ELL, lower case ell.
2) There is a typo in the command to flash the board using the CLI – the file name is capital EFF and Capital ELL: FlashLayout_emmc_osd32mp1-red-trusted-tfa.tsv
With the clarification of (1) and the correction of (2), this works where the uSDCard image that was supposed to program the EMMC did not work.
It was also disappointing that the edit of the post DID NOT update the timestamp of the post, so it did not come up as a new entry, causing at least me to believe that there was no change to this problem, when in fact, there was a correction.
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