Hello Eshtaartha,
Thanks for your answer. I verified with another BBB-W and the behavior is not shown there.
I’m charging the battery with the 10k resistance between TP4(BAT_TEMP) and TP5(GDN) and connecting TP3(BAT_VOLT) to TP2(VIN_BAT). (Page 10 of OSD3358 Application Guide Rev.5 4/25/2017)
Then, to monitor the battery I’m going to connect TP3 to one of the ADC. Do you have any suggestion besides guaranteeing that the voltage is below 1.8V?
Best regards,
Hello Eshtaartha,
Thanks for your answer. I’m actually using BeagleBone Black-Wireless and I just realized that one uses OSD3358-BAS instead of OSD3358-SM. Then, should I post this in other forum or the solution is similar? Because I just looked on the schematic of that one a it shows that MUX_OUT is not connected to any ADC.
Best regards,
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