Virtual Capes with the Redboard

Forums Reference, Evaluation, and Development Boards OSD3358-SM-RED Virtual Capes with the Redboard


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  • Author
    • #8411
      Raymond WilliswillisNGC_39

      I noticed the virtual capes are still in the OS for the Octavo Redboard. Is the virtual cape manager disabled in some way from adding virtual capes?
      I can reduce the amount of effort with incorporating a device tree overlay by using I2C2, SPI0, and MCASP0 as each of them has a virtual cape and I can write a script to add them at bootup.

    • #8420
      Neeraj Dantu


      You should be able to enable capes by editing /boot/uEnv.txt file.

      If you haven’t already, you can enable overlays by uncommenting the line “enable_uboot_overlays=1”. Then, each overlay can be invoked by editing “#uboot_overlay_addrx=/lib/firmware/<file0>.dtbo”. Note that you will have to disable cape_universal by commenting the line “enable_uboot_cape_universal=1” to disable the universal cape that gets loaded automatically and may conflict with overlays you are invoking.



    • #8438
      Raymond WilliswillisNGC_39

      Thank you. That works great. I also found you can verify on the Octavo Red what capes are loaded at boot by running the following script.
      $ sudo cat /opt/scripts/tools/

    • #10337
      Hashmi Sbwalyhashmi21sb

      This is so unique and excellent post. I can reduce the effort by using SPI0, I2C2, and MCASP0

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