Forums › Devices › OSD32MP15x › VDDA1V8_DSI and VDD1V2_DSI_ PHY
Are the VDD1V2_DSI_PHY and VDDA1V8_DSI pins on the STM32MP157C tied to VDD1V2_DSI_REG and VDDA1V8_REG pins respectively? I have looked at your OSD32MP15X Mapping and it shows that the pins are brought out of the SOM but are they tied together? In the spreadsheet for VDD1V2_DSI_PHY and VDDA1V8_DSI it states that “This Signal is Connected Internally to the SiP” but are they connected to the voltage regulator pins VDD1V2_DSI_REG and VDDA1V8_REG?
VDDA1V8_REG is connected internally to VDDA1V8_DSI. You can find this as a test point on the MP1: VDDA1V8_REG, ball R7. VDD1V2_DSI_REG is connected internally to VDD1V2_DSI_PHY. You can find this as a test point on the MP1: VDD1V2_DSI_REG, ball R6.
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