SPI1 troubles


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    • #7620

      I am trying to use SPI1 with a program in C. I have followed the instructions on many posts. The posts are mostly old and still refer the device trees and slots. Added this line to /boot/uEnv.txt


      That did not work. No spi devices show up in /dev. Without this line 4 spi devices show up in /dev, but they don’t seem to work. Scope on CS shows nothing.

    • #7627
      Erik Welsh

      You can find the source for all the overlays in the repository:


      If you look at the source for BB-SPIDEV1-00A0:


      you can see that it has not been updated to be compatible with the OSD3358-SM-RED:

      You will need to modify the DTS to be compatible with “oct,osd335x”:

      and then recompile.  This will create a new DTBO file that you can use to replace the one in /lib/firmware   We will look at getting the repository updated to add in the OSD3358-SM-RED compatibility to the applicable device tree overlays.

      Then you should change which address you are using for the overlay to “addr4”:

      This should resolve the issue and allow you to use /dev/spidev1.0

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