Forums Devices OSD335x-BAS/IND PMIC_MUX_OUT and AIN7

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    • #5052
      Ed MaynardEd Maynard

      We are building a custom board using the BeagleboneBlack Wireless and the PocketBeagle as our hardware templates. We don’t want to deviate very far from these designs because we want to use the Linux images as-is. One question posed the other day in a hardware review was whether we needed to power the ADC sub-system at all since we are not interested in using it and it would save a little power (read: heat) to leave it unpowered. Looking at the schematics, PMIC_MUX_OUT is routed to AIN7 in both designs. Do the Linux images require this connection? Can we leave it out and not power the entire analog input of the SiP?

      Thanks in advance,


    • #5054
      Neeraj Dantu

      Beagle images do not require the connection between PMIC_MUX_OUT and AIN7. This was done just in case we would want to have some software checks in place to determine the health of PMIC power rails that PMIC_MUX_OUT provides access to. You can go ahead and disable the ADC subsystem in hardware.

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