Forums › Devices › OSD335x-SM › PMIC Backlight LED Booster (FB_WLED)
We have an application where we need to utilize the inbuilt backlight LED booster of the PMIC(TPS65217x). After a glance at the datasheet of the PMIC, I can see that the booster is accessible through an external pin(FB_WLED). Given the fact that the OSD335x-SM modules are built on the same PMIC, I was looking for the FB_WLED pin assignment in OSD335x-SM package, is it accessible in this package?
Unfortunately, the backlight LED booster functionality of the PMIC is not available on the OSD335x Family of devices.
We would recommend using an an external Backlight LED driver:
This provide you with more flexibility and better dimming ability since you will be able to control the brightness using a PWM from the OSD335x.
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