OSD32MP1-BRK Debian Build Steps

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    • #11956
      Timothy MorganTimothy Morgan

      The Debian Git sources have a docker build for the OSD32MP1-RED, but not for the OSD32MP1-BRK. Is there a guide to build the source for OSD32MP1-BRK?
      I would like to rebuild the debian source, to build apps in-situ without cross-compile, but the repos headers and build are not in the repo.

      Any help in this area would be helpful.

    • #11965

      Dear Octavo, we also appreciate the help on this issue.

      Overall a minimum Debian Build Step with a minimum dtb would be a great option here.


    • #11984

      Part of the Debian build process is setting the type of bootloader images to build. I am trying reproduce the Debian build steps for the BRK board and would like to know if we should be using “basic” build versus the “trusted” build. So rather than using the trusted image for the FSBL, we should use U-Boot SPL instead.

      The reason I say this is the SD card image boots up with this message to the console:

      U-Boot SPL 2018.11-stm32mp-r4 (May 07 2020 – 20:20:42 -0500)
      Model: Octavo Systems OSD32MP1-BRK Board
      RAM: DDR3-1066/888 bin G 1x4Gb 533MHz v1.45
      Trying to boot from MMC1

      Since I am using a custom board with the 800 MHz processor, U-Boot displays “basic mode” for the STM32MP157F:

      U-Boot 2018.11-stm32mp-r4 (May 07 2020 – 20:20:42 -0500)

      CPU: STM32MP157F?? Rev.Z
      Model: Octavo Systems OSD32MP1-BRK Board
      Board: stm32mp1 in basic mode (st,stm32mp157c-brk)
      DRAM: 512 MiB

    • #11993
      Neeraj Dantu

      Carlos & mkleox,

      The apps team is currently working on this. We are currently testing and resolving issues with Debian SDK v3.0 (compatible with OpenSTLinux v3.0). I will update once the repo is updated.


    • #12465
      Anton SAnton

      Dear Neeraj,

      Could you provide ETA updates ?
      As mentioned above minimal project for OSD32MP1-BRK and step-by-step guide for Debian build will be very helpful!

      Best regards,

    • #12466
      Neeraj Dantu


      OSD32MP1-BRK has been added to the Debian SDK. You will need to modify the Makefile in build-tools here: https://github.com/octavosystems/osd32mp1-build-tools/blob/master/Makefile#L26. You can change the board name to stm32mp157c-osd32mp1-brk. Please note that since BRK only has an SD card interface, you will need to set the BOOT_EMMC variable to 0 as well.

      We will generate some collateral around the Debian SDK. The SDK was designed to be easy to understand and modify. Here are some pointers to get started:

      1. The Makefile(https://github.com/octavosystems/osd32mp1-build-tools/blob/master/Makefile) defines the build process inside docker and this is where you will have to make changes to make changes to the kernel, device tree, u-boot and TF-A.

      2. https://github.com/octavosystems/osd32mp1-build-tools/tree/master/patches contains all the patches that will be applied to the individual source codes. You can add custom patches here and they will automatically get added to the source code before build.

      3. By adding commands under each Makefile target such as BOOTF(https://github.com/octavosystems/osd32mp1-build-tools/blob/master/Makefile#L113) to modify how each of the targets are built. For example, you can add custom splash image by modifying https://github.com/octavosystems/osd32mp1-build-tools/blob/master/Makefile#L119

      4. You can add packages to the default image generated by modifying the multistrap config file here: https://github.com/octavosystems/osd32mp1-multistrap/blob/osd32mp1-v3.0/debian-config-bullseye

      5. You can also add custom files to your root filesystem by adding them here: https://github.com/octavosystems/osd32mp1-multistrap/tree/osd32mp1-v3.0/files

      Hope that helps. Please feel free to ask any specific question you have on the forums here.


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