Facing issue while using multiple USART in parallel on OSD32MP153C

Forums Reference, Evaluation, and Development Boards OSD32MP1-BRK Facing issue while using multiple USART in parallel on OSD32MP153C

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    • #12786
      Pratik Manvarpratik.manvar

        Hi Octavo-Team,

        We are facing problem while using multiple USART in parallel on OSD32MP153C running Linux kernel v5.4.

        Our application contains two separate threads communicating on two separate RS485 ports in parallel at every ~10ms. After further debugging, we were able to narrow down the use-case to writes happening in parallel. The write on one of the RS485 is stuck and it never finishes and the thread is blocked forever.

        Simplified way of reproducing the issue using Linux script is as follows (2 instances of this running on two separate RS485 (ttySTM3 and ttySTM7) in parallel):



        while true


        echo -n -e ‘\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07’ > /dev/ttySTM3

        # echo -n -e ‘\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07’ > /dev/ttySTM7



        With this script, we can see write on one of RS485 is blocked after few seconds. Only way of recovering from this is to reboot the device. For debugging, when the application was modified to write on only one RS485 at a time, it works ok and never gets stuck.

        Can you please suggest what could be wrong here?

        Thanks & Regards,

        Pratik Manvar

      • #12788
        Aedan Cullen

          This is a fascinating problem. However, I tried three kernels (5.10.10, 5.4.31, and 4.19.49) and wasn’t able to reproduce this with your script on an OSD32MP1-BRK using either Octavo’s Debian images or ST’s OpenSTLinux. Writes to both TTYs always succeed. This makes me think that it is not an exciting stm32-usart.c driver bug. Maybe there’s some additional detail about your device tree configuration of the USART modules that causes an issue, or a specific way that you’re building your overall Linux system that isn’t replicated in my testing. More information about your specific system might be needed to troubleshoot this problem.

          Things that come to mind:

          What board are you reproducing this issue on? If you’re only reproducing it with a custom board, have you tried it on one of the standard Octavo boards with nothing connected to the USART pins at all? Are you sure that the issue is not related to hardware flow control (CTS/RTS pins?)

        • #12789
          Neeraj Dantu

            Thanks Aedan!


            As it is clear that the behavior you are seeing cannot be reproduced independently, I would suggest looking at your board configuration. In addition to Aedan’s inputs, here are a few things to check:

            1. Probe signals and see if you can actually see the traffic you are generating on each interface and narrow down where during the transmission you are running into issues.

            2. Check the pinmux configuration(https://github.com/octavosystems/OSD32MP1-BRK-device-tree/blob/master/linux-v5.4/stm32mp157c-osd32mp1-brk.dts#L268) and peripheral configuration(https://github.com/octavosystems/OSD32MP1-BRK-device-tree/blob/master/linux-v5.4/stm32mp157c-osd32mp1-brk.dts#L1063) in the device tree as compared to the BRK on your custom board.



          • #12790
            Pratik Manvarpratik.manvar

              Hello @Aedan and @Niraj,

              Thank you for your support.

              Yes, we have a custom board with Octavo BRK SIP module (STM32MP157C) with kernel v5.4.31.

              As per your suggestion, I tried on OSD32MP1-BRK board with couple of kernel releases (v5.4.31 and v5.10.10) and able to reproduce the same issue on kernel v5.4.31!

              It works fine with kernel v5.10.10 release.

              I have added more data in echo command with a print of each transmission (PFA the updated scripts com-1.txt & com-2.txt).

              while true
                      echo -n -e ‘\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x10\x07\x23\x60\x61\x86\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xC4\x3A\x35\x7C\x56\x78’ > /dev/ttySTM1
                      echo -n "1"

              Please see the attached test logs (kernel-v5.4.31-serial-test-logs.txt & kernel-v5.10.10-serial-test-logs.txt).

              Thanks & Regards,

              Pratik Manvar

            • #12797
              Pratik Manvarpratik.manvar


                I could not upload the script files (com1.sh and com2.sh).

                ==> com1.sh

                while true
                	echo -n -e ‘\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x10\x07\x23\x60\x61\x86\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xC4\x3A\x35\x7C\x56\x78’ > /dev/ttySTM1
                	echo -n "1"

                ==> com2.sh

                while true
                	echo -n -e ‘\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x10\x07\x23\x60\x61\x86\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xC4\x3A\x35\x7C\x56\x78’ > /dev/ttySTM2
                	echo -n "2"

                Thanks & Regards,

                Pratik Manvar

              • #12799
                Neeraj Dantu


                  Thanks for the logs. This is interesting. From the logs it looks like the driver was unable to shutdown the peripheral successfully: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/v5.4/drivers/tty/serial/stm32-usart.c#L644. Given that you are not seeing this on kernel 5.10, the bug must be fixed in the updates to the driver. Upgrading the kernel seems to be the easiest way to resolve this issue.



                • #12800
                  Pratik Manvarpratik.manvar

                    Hello @Niraj,

                    Yes, we want to upgrade to the kernel-v5.10.

                    For that, I have posted the query in the other OSD32MP1-BRK latest patches – Octavo Systems thread. Seems like it is still not published and pending for approval.

                    Can you please confirm that the Octavo patches for kernel-5.10 available at GitHub – octavosystems/meta-octavo-osd32mp1: Yocto layer for OSD32MP1 Family of devices from Octavo Systems can be used to migrate to updated kernel-v5.10 provided by STM?


                    Thanks & Regards,

                    Pratik Manvar

                  • #12840
                    Neeraj Dantu

                      Answered in another thread. You can use the patches in meta-octavo-osd32mp1 layer.



                    • #12867
                      Pratik Manvarpratik.manvar

                        Yes. Thanks Neeraj.


                        Pratik Manvar


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