ADC0 – Constant polarization

Forums Devices OSD335x-SM ADC0 – Constant polarization

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  • Author
    • #7666
      Marcin WijataMarcin_W

        Dear All,
        My name is Marcin.
        I noticed the following problem on my custom board.
        Constant polarization above 1.8V (ADC0 = 4093). When I connect resistor 5k6 to GND, ADC0 shows 0.36V (ADC0 = 820).
        I tested it on 2 copies of this version of the processor.
        I also tested on a PCB made by another contractor – the same polarization.
        SiP on Pocketbeagle – works well.
        Please find attached detailed data of processors.

        • This topic was modified 6 years ago by Marcin WijataMarcin_W.
      • #7668
        Marcin WijataMarcin_W

          For clarity and asking questions in this regard.
          I cut off all signal paths or polarity to the ADC0 input

        • #7701
          Neeraj Dantu

            Hi Marcin,

            We have followed up on this issue offline. Please look out for a schematic review providing input on the issue from our sales team.



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