Generally, XDS200 connectivity issues can be resolved by updating its firmware.
To update a XDS200-class JTAG debugger connected via USB, using a Windows host is highly recommended. Close any instances of CCS that are running in your system. Open a Windows Command Prompt and issue the following commands:
1. Go to the directory where the utility is installed:
2. Run the configuration just to make sure a XDS200-class debugger is connected and to confirm the firmware revision installed on it:
3. If you have a single XDS200 connected via USB:
Run the following commands in the exact order shown below (the batch file update_xds2xx does this in reverse order, increasing the chances of failure):
4. After that, run the command in step 2 again to check if the correct firmware was loaded.
If connectivity issues persist, please go through the XDS200 Wiki to find out more information.
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