Statement of Product Longevity


Octavo Systems is committed to supporting our solutions so they can be confidently used in products with long life-cycles.  We understand many of our customers have products with expected lifecycles of 10+ years, so we will take commercially reasonable steps to meet the needs of these customers.

Our products and business are designed to support products with long life cycles.  At every stage, from design to manufacture, we focus on long-term support.  To achieve this, we seek to:

  • Work with suppliers that have similar long-term support strategies
  • Choose components that have longevity plans in place
  • Design products to use components that are available from multiple sources
  • Work with manufacturing partners that have second source capabilities
  • Use Standard Manufacturing Flows
  • Adopt materials proven for high volume manufacturing

Also, since our products are System-in-Package devices that leverage bare silicon die, in certain situations where a critical component is obsoleted by a manufacturer, we will work with customers to provide die banking in order to provide the product for  longer than the component manufacturer is able to.

If you have further questions, please contact us at