System-In-Package: The Next Step of Integration


Our CTO, Gene Frantz, published an article on Embedded Computing last week titled System-In-Package: The Next Step of Integration. In his article, he poses an interesting question: How do small, innovative companies work with larger semiconductor manufacturers to further integrate their designs?  He outlined four questions that need to be answered “YES” before a large S/C manufacturer will agree to work with any company for a custom integration.

What happens, however, if you can’t answer “YES” to all of them? Are you out of luck?  Is there no path to further integration?  Not quite.  Gene points out that there just might be a way forward with the advances made by Octavo. (Read More…)

IoT Road Show

IoT Road Show

Last week Rich Nass from Embedded Computing stopped by our Austin headquarters for their IoT road show.  Our CTO, Gene Frantz, spent some time talking to him about the OSD3358 and how it helps designers get into production.  Through packaging the key components of the BeagleBone Black SBC into a standard package, the OSD3358 gives designers a clear path from prototyping on the BeagleBone Black to producing their own boards around the OSD3358.  Check it out!

Meet Us at Maker Faire Bay Area


I am excited to announce that members of the Octavo Team will be attending Maker Faire in the Bay Area on May 21st and 22nd.  We will be roaming around the event center and volunteering at the booth, booth #2434.  If you are interested in meeting with us please contact us.  We look forward to meeting all of the Makers out there who can use the OSD3358 to create new and innovative products!

See you there!

The OSD3358 – A New Era of Integration


Today is a very exciting day at Octavo Systems. We’re officially launching our first product, the OSD3358-512M.  The OSD3358 is a System-In-Package (SiP) device that integrates the Texas Instruments (TI) Sitara™ AM3358 Arm® Cortex®-A8 processor, the TI TPS65217C PMIC, the TI TL5209 LDO, a 512MB DDR3, and over 140 Passives into a single easy to use BGA package. The OSD3358 gives designers of all levels access to unprecedented integration and to ease of use. (Read More…)

Octavo Systems Releases the OSD3358 System-In-Package Device

Octavo Systems Helps Bridge the Prototype-to-Production Gap

Austin, Texas (May 9, 2016) – Octavo Systems LLC (Octavo) today launched a new platform that makes it easier than ever for designers to quickly create production-ready systems based on the Texas Instruments (TI) Sitara™ AM335x processor with an ARM® Cortex®-A8 core. The OSD3358, the first in a family of System-In-Package (SiP) devices, is geared to help developers who are using the BeagleBone® Black single board computing (SBC) platform move from prototype to production effortlessly. (Read More…)

SiP Metrics – Is there a Moore’s Law equivalent?


In the landmark paper of 1965, Gordon Moore[1] made an observation stating that with cost of manufacturing per device falling, it becomes economical to pack more and more devices in an IC chip. In his paper, Moore projected the number of devices in an IC chip would double every one to two years. This observation soon took the form of a proxy for future growth estimates in the semiconductor industry.

For decades, Moore’s law has been the benchmark for semiconductor technology development, eventually becoming a roadmap and a self-fulfilling prophecy for IC development.  Figure 1[2] shows the growth of the number of devices in a semiconductor chip over time and tracks well with Moore’s projection. (Read More…)

System in Package: the Complement to Moore’s Law


Moore’s Law has served us well for over a half of a century.  It drove the semiconductor (SC) process technology roadmap.  It got us to think about putting more transistors on an integrated circuit to the point where it is no longer a nightmare to consider billions of transistors on one piece of silicon.  In fact, several years ago I began to use the phrase “transistors are becoming a buck a billion” to put a new perspective on the success of Moore’s Law.

But even with the great success the SC industry has had, we continue to find ourselves unable to accomplish the ultimate goal, a complete system on a chip.  Yes, we talk about System on Chip (SoC) technology as the solution (now what was the problem again?).  However, the advancements in IC technology have actually defeated the primary goal of SoC, the integration of a complete system on a single piece of silicon.  In the past I have actually suggested that it should be SSoC rather than SoC as all we have been able to do is a Sub-System on a Chip. (Read More…)

A Complementary Semiconductor Roadmap: System-In-Package (SiP) and the Challenges Ahead


Since the early 1960s, advances in semiconductor technology have been tracking Moore’s law. This “law”, based on a paper by Gordon Moore[i], states that the number of transistors per chip will double about every 18 months.  For decades Moore’s law has been the overarching benchmark for development in the Semiconductor industry, especially in regards to System-On-Chip (SoC) development. (Read More…)

Welcome to Octavo Systems

Welcome to Octavo Systems!  We are so glad you are here!

We are a small company with a big dream, to bring System-In-Package (SiP) technology to the masses.  We believe the only way for Moore’s law to continue is to have wide spread adoption of SiPs.  Today SiPs are typically only available to the largest electronics companies.  We want to change that.  Our technology and products are geared to meet the needs of any size company.  We know that providing this technology to such a wide group of innovators will spur the creation of new and exciting products that couldn’t have been built before. (Read More…)



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