Connecting with You to Solve System Design Puzzles – ESC Silicon Valley 2017 Recap


Last week we headed out to San Jose to attend the Embedded Systems Conference (ESC) Silicon Valley. We met a lot of innovative startups and had very productive conversations, as well as engaged with more familiar industry names that were all looking to take advantage of System-In-Package technology.  Hopefully, if you were in the area, you were able to stop by and talk to the team.  If you weren’t, here’s a few highlights from the show, as well as some exciting things to come.

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Faster, Easier, Smaller Designs – Let’s discuss yours at ESC

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Houston, We Have Forums!

We have officially launched our forums!  We are excited to provide a place for our community to ask questions, get answers, and exchange ideas.  Our team has been looking for better ways to engage more directly with our customers.  We believe these forums will provide a platform for that. (Read More…)

BeagleLogic Standalone – Featuring the OSD3358-SM


This article was guest written by Kumar Abhishek about his award winning BeagleLogic project.  Kumar is an engineering graduate from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India. His journey into electronics began at a very young age and since then he has worked on projects using a variety of embedded platforms. He is a Google Summer of Code alumnus with and has also served as a mentor for in the Google Summer of Code program.

All of us at Octavo Systems would like to congratulate Kumar on his award and exciting future! 

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PocketBeagle® Featuring The OSD335x-SM

PocketBeagle® is here!® has released its newest board based on the OSD3358-512M-BSM System-In-Package (SiP).  PocketBeagle® is the smallest and lowest cost solution in the popular BeagleBoard family.  At only $25 and about 1.4in X 2.17in (35mm X 55mm), PocketBeagle® is a powerful Linux computer in a small, low cost footprint. (Read More…)



OSD335x Family of Devices

Austin, Texas (September 19, 2017) – Octavo Systems LLC (Octavo) announced the production release and immediate availability of its highly anticipated OSD335x-SM System-In-Package (SiP) device.  The OSD335x-SM, like the entire OSD335x family, integrates the Texas Instruments (TI) Sitara™ AM335x processor with an ARM® Cortex®-A8 core running at 1GHz, DDR3 memory, a TPS65217C power management IC (PMIC), a TL5209 low-dropout (LDO) regulator, and passive components into a single wide pitch (1.27mm) BGA package.  The OSD335x-SM enhances this integration by adding EEPROM as well and reducing the package size by 40%. (Read More…)

Smaller and Cheaper PCBs enabled by System-In-Package Technology.


Today’s embedded designers face more challenges in terms of design complexity, cycle time and target size.  System-In-Package (SiP) devices, such as the OSD335x Family, bring many advantages when designing and building an embedded system.

One significant advantage of using a SiP device is the amount of printed circuit board (PCB) space that can be saved versus using hundreds of discrete components. To understand this advantage, let us examine the amount of space required by the OSD335x devices and the discrete components that make up an equivalent system.  (Read More…)

Industrial Rated OSD335x Devices Are Now Available!

OSD335x Industrial Rated

We are excited to announce that the industrial temperature rated (-40°C to 85°C Case) version of the OSD335x System-In-Package is now available! It can be ordered for immediate delivery through our distribution partners, Mouser and Digi-Key. (Read More…)

PCB Assembly Cost Savings – Another Benefit of System-In-Package


One of the key benefits delivered by System-In-Package (SiP) technology is the savings realized in the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Assembly process.  This is a benefit that is commonly overlooked by designers on the front end.  Typically, they only look at the cost of the individual components on the Bill of Material (BOM) and don’t consider the cost of assembly.  With System-In-Package technology, the number of components that need be placed during the assembly process can be significantly reduced.  This reduction decreases the component set up time and actual time spent on the Pick and Place machine. Simultaneously driving down the assembly cost and the total cost of the finished product. (Read More…)

Hand Assembly of PocketBone using the OSD3358

This article was guest written by Michael Welling, the developer of the KiCad PocketBone Design.  Michael is an Embedded Design Engineer with over 10 years of experience.  He owns an electronic design consulting firm, QWERTY Embedded Design, LLC.  He has an MS in Electrical Engineering, was an instructor at SIUC and a 12-year member of IEEE.  He is also a mentor for Google Summer of Code.

In the previous blog, the origin story and design process of the PocketBone were discussed. This edition talks about the process of gathering components and assembling the units at home by hand.

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