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  • in reply to: OSD3358 Boot #9680
    Vinay Divakarvinaydivakar

      Hi Neeraj,

      We made the changes in the script as you suggested and now board boots and we are able to log in. Thanks.

      in reply to: OSD3358 Boot #9672
      Vinay Divakarvinaydivakar

        Hi Neeraj,

        In the script, I commented out the “check_eeprom” as shown below.

        And then I tried, the flashing process started along with the cyclic led flashing. Once all the led’s turned off after flashing,I removed the sd card and power cycled the board. But now I don’t see anything on the serial terminal, nor the user led’s start to flash. I again retried with the sd card inserted to check if anything prints in the terminal and flashing restarts, but nothing. Any insights on why this may be happening

        • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Vinay Divakarvinaydivakar.
        • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Vinay Divakarvinaydivakar.
        in reply to: OSD3358 Boot #9661
        Vinay Divakarvinaydivakar

          I have made some progress. I included the “v2019.04” branch and followed the same process. And I hardcoded board id as below:

          Now, at least I can see the user LEDs flashing when booting up. But now the image flashing never initiates and system resets. I think I am very close to resolving this, below is the logs during boot over the serial console. It would be great if someone here could take a look at it to advise on how to proceed.




          • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Vinay Divakarvinaydivakar. Reason: changed file format
          • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Vinay Divakarvinaydivakar.
          in reply to: OSD3358 Boot #9660
          Vinay Divakarvinaydivakar


            We received our custom boards with the OSD3358. I carefully followed the instructions described by Neeraj in post #4733 and having some issues getting the flasher image to flash the image to the emmc. I am using the “Debian 9.5 2018-10-07 4GB eMMC IoT Flasher” beagle image and followed all instructions without any errors. Now when I insert the sd card and power the board, the flashing process does not start nor the user LED’s light up. Below is the log I got from the serial console.

            Setting bus to 0
            Setting bus to 0
            0000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff …………….
            0010: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff …………….
            resetting …

            U-Boot SPL 2018.01-dirty (Jan 30 2020 – 14:20:06)
            Trying to boot from MMC1

            U-Boot 2018.01-dirty (Jan 30 2020 – 14:20:06 +1300)

            CPU : AM335X-GP rev 2.1
            I2C: ready
            DRAM: 512 MiB
            No match for driver ‘omap_hsmmc’
            No match for driver ‘omap_hsmmc’
            Some drivers were not found
            Reset Source: Global warm SW reset has occurred.
            Reset Source: Power-on reset has occurred.
            MMC: OMAP SD/MMC: 0, OMAP SD/MMC: 1
            Using default environment

            <ethaddr> not set. Validating first E-fuse MAC
            BeagleBone: cape eeprom: i2c_probe: 0x54:
            BeagleBone: cape eeprom: i2c_probe: 0x55:
            BeagleBone: cape eeprom: i2c_probe: 0x56:
            BeagleBone: cape eeprom: i2c_probe: 0x57:
            Net: usb_ether
            Press SPACE to abort autoboot in 2 seconds
            board_name=[A335BLNK] …
            30 bytes read in 16 ms (1000 Bytes/s)
            Loaded environment from /boot/.eeprom.txt
            Setting bus to 0
            0000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff …………….
            0010: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff …………….
            Setting bus to 0
            Setting bus to 0
            Setting bus to 0
            0000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff …………….
            0010: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff …………….
            resetting …

            U-Boot SPL 2018.01-dirty (Jan 30 2020 – 14:20:06)
            Trying to boot from MMC1

            U-Boot 2018.01-dirty (Jan 30 2020 – 14:20:06 +1300)

            CPU : AM335X-GP rev 2.1
            I2C: ready
            DRAM: 512 MiB
            No match for driver ‘omap_hsmmc’
            No match for driver ‘omap_hsmmc’
            Some drivers were not found
            Reset Source: Global warm SW reset has occurred.
            Reset Source: Power-on reset has occurred.
            MMC: OMAP SD/MMC: 0, OMAP SD/MMC: 1
            Using default environment

            <ethaddr> not set. Validating first E-fuse MAC
            BeagleBone: cape eeprom: i2c_probe: 0x54:
            BeagleBone: cape eeprom: i2c_probe: 0x55:
            BeagleBone: cape eeprom: i2c_probe: 0x56:
            BeagleBone: cape eeprom: i2c_probe: 0x57:
            Net: usb_ether
            Press SPACE to abort autoboot in 2 seconds
            board_name=[A335BLNK] …
            30 bytes read in 16 ms (1000 Bytes/s)
            Loaded environment from /boot/.eeprom.txt
            Setting bus to 0
            0000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff …………….
            0010: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff …………….
            Setting bus to 0
            Setting bus to 0
            Setting bus to 0
            0000: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff …………….
            0010: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff …………….
            resetting …

            U-Boot SPL 2018.01-dirty (Jan 30 2020 – 14:20:06)
            Trying to boot from MMC1

            U-Boot 2018.01-dirty (Jan 30 2020 – 14:20:06 +1300)

            CPU : AM335X-GP rev 2.1
            I2C: ready
            DRAM: 512 MiB
            No match for driver ‘omap_hsmmc’
            No match for driver ‘omap_hsmmc’
            Some drivers were not found
            Reset Source: Global warm SW reset has occurred.
            Reset Source: Power-on reset has occurred.
            MMC: OMAP SD/MMC: 0, OMAP SD/MMC: 1
            Using default environment

            <ethaddr> not set. Validating first E-fuse MAC
            BeagleBone: cape eeprom: i2c_probe: 0x54:
            BeagleBone: cape eeprom: i2c_probe: 0x55:
            BeagleBone: cape eeprom: i2c_probe: 0x56:
            BeagleBone: cape eeprom: i2c_probe: 0x57:
            Net: usb_ether
            Press SPACE to abort autoboot in 2 seconds
            => unam
            Unknown command ‘unam’ – try ‘help’
            => uname
            Unknown command ‘uname’ – try ‘help’
            => uname -a
            Unknown command ‘uname’ – try ‘help’
            => help
            ? – alias for ‘help’
            askenv – get environment variables from stdin
            base – print or set address offset
            bdinfo – print Board Info structure
            boot – boot default, i.e., run ‘bootcmd’
            bootd – boot default, i.e., run ‘bootcmd’
            bootefi – Boots an EFI payload from memory
            bootelf – Boot from an ELF image in memory
            bootm – boot application image from memory
            bootp – boot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocol
            bootvx – Boot vxWorks from an ELF image
            bootz – boot Linux zImage image from memory
            btrsubvol- list subvolumes of a BTRFS filesystem
            cmp – memory compare
            coninfo – print console devices and information
            cp – memory copy
            crc32 – checksum calculation
            dfu – Device Firmware Upgrade
            dhcp – boot image via network using DHCP/TFTP protocol
            dm – Driver model low level access
            echo – echo args to console
            editenv – edit environment variable
            eeprom – EEPROM sub-system
            env – environment handling commands
            exit – exit script
            ext2load- load binary file from a Ext2 filesystem
            ext2ls – list files in a directory (default /)
            ext4load- load binary file from a Ext4 filesystem
            ext4ls – list files in a directory (default /)
            ext4size- determine a file’s size
            ext4write- create a file in the root directory
            false – do nothing, unsuccessfully
            fastboot- use USB Fastboot protocol
            fatinfo – print information about filesystem
            fatload – load binary file from a dos filesystem
            fatls – list files in a directory (default /)
            fatsize – determine a file’s size
            fatwrite- write file into a dos filesystem
            fdt – flattened device tree utility commands
            fstype – Look up a filesystem type
            go – start application at address ‘addr’
            gpio – query and control gpio pins
            gpt – GUID Partition Table
            help – print command description/usage
            i2c – I2C sub-system
            iminfo – print header information for application image
            imxtract- extract a part of a multi-image
            itest – return true/false on integer compare
            load – load binary file from a filesystem
            loadb – load binary file over serial line (kermit mode)
            loads – load S-Record file over serial line
            loadx – load binary file over serial line (xmodem mode)
            loady – load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode)
            loop – infinite loop on address range
            ls – list files in a directory (default /)
            md – memory display
            mdio – MDIO utility commands
            mii – MII utility commands
            mm – memory modify (auto-incrementing address)
            mmc – MMC sub system
            mmcinfo – display MMC info
            mw – memory write (fill)
            nfs – boot image via network using NFS protocol
            nm – memory modify (constant address)
            part – disk partition related commands
            ping – send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host
            printenv- print environment variables
            pxe – commands to get and boot from pxe files
            reset – Perform RESET of the CPU
            run – run commands in an environment variable
            save – save file to a filesystem
            setenv – set environment variables
            sf – SPI flash sub-system
            showvar – print local hushshell variables
            size – determine a file’s size
            sleep – delay execution for some time
            source – run script from memory
            spl – SPL configuration
            sspi – SPI utility command
            sysboot – command to get and boot from syslinux files
            test – minimal test like /bin/sh
            tftpboot- boot image via network using TFTP protocol
            time – run commands and summarize execution time
            true – do nothing, successfully
            usb – USB sub-system
            usbboot – boot from USB device
            version – print monitor, compiler and linker version

            Could someone help me resolve this?


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