c spengler

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  • in reply to: Cannot use either MMC device from u-boot #15397
    c spenglerc spengler

      Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

      For those that find themselves in this pickle, the answer is the breakout board has no discreet card detect line. The sd card holder used on it uses D3 for that function. The part used on the red board has a discreet card detection line. So, the red board device tree has a line item in the “&sdmmc1” entry “cd-gpios”, if that line is present for a sd card reader without that card detect line, it will always fail to find the card.

      • This reply was modified 3 months, 4 weeks ago by c spenglerc spengler.
      in reply to: RPMsg framework Help #14954
      c spenglerc spengler

        I am using your kit:

        meta-octavo-osd32mp1 latest (breakout and red board)

        The dunfell  repo distribution is refs/tags/openstlinux-5.10-dunfell-mp1-21-03-31

        kernel is 5.10

        I am not using Cube in the linux side as far as I know. I am not using an open st linux developer package, I am using the st layers as populated by the above repo command.

        ST_OSTL_COMPATIBILTY_VERSION_st-openstlinux = “3.0” Is what the openstlinux layer version indicates.

        No cube programmer.

        This configuration can pass firmware to the M4 and run it.



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