OpSTlinux SDK V2.0 and “OSD32MP15x_MinimalConfig”

Forums Devices OSD32MP15x OpSTlinux SDK V2.0 and “OSD32MP15x_MinimalConfig”

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    • #10830
      damien brayeldam_fr

        Hi Octavo Teams!
        We are using your OSD32MP15x device on a custom board, and all is fine!
        We were able to build Openstlinux Distribution (SDK v1.2) with your “OSD32MP15x_MinimalConfig” files.

        But at this time, we have to upgrade our Openstlinux SDK to version V2.0. (due to embedded python version too old)

        My questions is :

        Does the “OSD32MP15x_MinimalConfig” files are compatible with Openstlinux SDK V2.0.0, if not, any hints to custom it to fit new requirements?

        Have a nice day!

      • #10832
        Tobias ScholzTobias

          from our point of experience what you try is not working out of the box.
          But if you manually alter the dts/dtsi files you can use the minimal example compiling and running on your board using SDK 2.
          As an alternative to this approach you can simply replace only the rootfs of your linux.
          If you leave all the boot stuff as it is and only depend on a new python version you can use a “normal” distribution like Debian on arm (Debian armhf is the corresponding armv7 you need) and just copy the minimal rootfs on the partition (make sure you leave ALL uid and gid settings e.g. by copying on linux using cp -rpf) and use it like a normal linux distribution.
          The second idea is easier to use and with less implementation time possible but maybe it does not fit your requirements.

        • #10833
          damien brayeldam_fr

            Well First of all, thanks a lot for guiding us in this Innsmouth fog.

            Your idea to keep rootfs separated from the Uboot/Tfa seems good, but I’ve seen on ST Forum that we shouldn’t mix SDK version (V1.2 / V2.0) (tfa/uboot/kernel files within each others (…)). At this time, we won’t use Debian Distri, we are working on a embedded system, and we should keep things simple & minimal.

            I will give this a try.

            See you!

          • #10834
            Tobias ScholzTobias

              about the Debian distri that is what I meant about not suiting your requirements.
              Mixing tfa/uboot/kernel from different versions is most likely not booting (if I remember correctly there are some problems with the security parts).
              But the rootfs is more or less just a yocto based distribution.
              What you can do is leaving all parts except of the rootfs and use only the rootfs from a newer yocto or buildroot environment.

              forgot to mention probably you need some manual altering for the linux kernel modules when you have problems with modprobe it is possible the modules matching your kernel are missing and you have to make them present

              • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Tobias ScholzTobias.
            • #10842
              Eshtaartha Basu

                Hello eldam_fr,

                To use OSD32MP15x_MinimalConfig CubeMX project with the latest SDK, we recommend the following:

                1. Download and install the latest STM32CubeMX software (v6.0.1 as of 10/7/2020) on your host PC or update your existing software to the latest one.
                2. Open the Octavo OSD32MP15x_MinimalConfig CubeMX project using the latest CubeMX software (File > Load project)
                3. CubeMX project manager pop up window will appear asking if you want to migrate the imported project to the latest version. Press “Migrate”.
                4. Once migration is complete, you can modify the project settings (using GUI) to meet your custom board requirements. Once complete, press “Generate Code”.
                5. The device tree files generated using the above steps should be compatible with the latest SDK.

                We will update the OSD32MP1 CubeMX Tutorial soon to reflect the latest updates.

              • #10844
                damien brayeldam_fr

                  Hello Mr Basu,
                  Thanks a lot for answering me.

                  I will try what you said, and hope it will work.
                  (my prescient menthat sense, have sensed this approach, but was not sure..).

                  By the way,
                  Does the use of the “minimal config files” are mandatory to use (due to SIP aspect or DDR param) or can i use any DK2 files from ST?

                  Have a nice weekend

                • #10896
                  Neeraj Dantu


                    You should be able to use the DK2 files from ST. OSD32MP1 is compatible with discrete solution.



                  • #11635
                    Karl Hansenkarlchansen

                      Couple of questions —

                      1. Are there any plans to update the Debian Linux image downloadable from your site?

                      2. Windows 10 supports “Windows Subsystem For Linux” (WSL) which provides an “OK” Linux environment. What effort would be involved in being able to use a WSL sub-shell to support the A7 project in the minimal config on Windows? Right now you get an error message that says “not suppoorted” on Windows.

                    • #11637
                      Neeraj Dantu


                        1. We are currently working on updates to the RED board BSP to the latest v3.0 of OpenSTLinux. Expect an update in a few weeks.

                        2. It looks like from the documentation(https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/wsl/), the SDK should be able to run on WSL. We will test the next version on WSL as well. For now, our best bet is a VM.



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