Flash the emmc of the Octavo Red

Forums Reference, Evaluation, and Development Boards Flash the emmc of the Octavo Red

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    • #8381
      Raymond WilliswillisNGC_39

        Is there official Octavo instructions to flash the emmc? There is instructions for the BeagleBone Black, but it calls out a very specific “emmc-flasher” image to be used. Since the device tree is very specific to the Octavo Redboard, I’m pretty sure we don’t use that image.

        I basically tried to make changes to the device tree and rebooted. Now I can’t connect via the virtual USB Ethernet or actual Ethernet port. It seems to be stuck in boot up based on the flashing of the lights after power is applied.

        I know!…novice error. I should make changes like this on the SD Card version of the OS and boot form the SD Card… lesson learned, but I did not think it would mess it up as bad as it did.

      • #8387
        Neeraj Dantu

          Hey Willis,

          The image is available on the RED board web page: https://octavosystems.com/octavo_products/osd3358-sm-red/

          As you mentioned, you can flash the image onto an SD card and boot the board from the SD card. Additionally, you can flash the eMMC by un-commenting the last line in /boot/uEnv.txt(cmdline=init=/opt/scripts/tools/eMMC/init-eMMC-flasher-v3.sh) which initiates a flasher script.




          • #8390
            Raymond WilliswillisNGC_39

              Mr. Dantu,
              Thank you for your support. Your information worked perfectly and now it is at least in the forums on how to flash the emmc.
              Some notes for anyone else doing this:
              1. After editing the inserting the MicroSD Card being used to flash the new image, hold the boot button before applying power (do not use USB power).
              2. Release the boot button when (LEDs) D1 and D4 thru D7 are all on.
              3. To verify it is flashing the emmc, D4 thru D7 will turn on/off in a sequential pattern during the flash (think Knight Rider or Cylon).
              4. Wait until all LEDs are off or 45 mins has passed (mine took maybe 10 mins).
              5. Remove Power and MicroSD Card.
              6. Comment out the last line in the uEnv.txt file to use it as a MicroSD Card bootable OS.

              If you had any problems and it is not flashing the emmc…ensure you uncommented just the last line and saved your changes for uEnv.txt.

              • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Raymond WilliswillisNGC_39.
            • #8392
              Neeraj Dantu

                Thank you for the documentation!



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